I would appreciate it if someone would explain to me how LOA and The Secret work for the disadvantaged in the world. How does it help those born physically and mentally disabled? How can those in war torn, ravaged lands apply this thought? How can a young girl in the congo use it to prevent herself from getting raped? How can a young child benefit from these so that its parents won't sell or maim them for profit?
Is LOA and The secret something that all of us can benefit from or is it mostly available to those in the already advantaged parts of the world? Is Intuition something that all humans are born with or is it acquired predominately by those of us who have our basic needs met and therefore have the extra time, money and energy to sit and make use of it? Can it be employed successfully beyond the acquisition of things that we in the west consider important? For example how could those who were victims of the earthquake in Haiti or the tsunami a few years ago have prevented the disasters or at least saved themselves? How can a person lacking clean running water get some fresh water to drink? How can those with no food get 3 meals a day?
For those who make use of these tools I would appreciate a brief lesson so that we can save those who are suffering. Please.
Cult Classic